Sunday, April 8, 2012

eastah sundee: random thoughts

I don't get Easter. I mean, I GET it, but I don't participate in it.

I drink iced coffees faster than any human should. These things should have a surgeon general's warning on them. WARNING: Rapid consumption of this heavenly beverage will result in godawful stomach pain and an early departure from the coffee shop.

God bless whoever invented yoga pants. I'm certain it was a man.

I'm sitting by a couple at this coffee shop and the guy just called his friend to wish him a happy birthday and also to ask him if he'd be a groomsman in their wedding. It was so delightfully simple how he said it. He goes "I got a birthday present for ya. It's not much, but... wanted to ask you if you'd be a groomsman in our wedding." I love how guys communicate. The whole eavesdropping experience made me happy.

Must... play... Draw Something... always.

I miss my niece and nephew. I wish I could see them squirm uncomfortably in the Easter outfits they're forced to wear today, pining for MORE CANDY while my sister tries in vain to limit their sugar intake for the day. Glorious.

I just saw a girl wearing a shirt that exposes her back between her shoulder blades and she has a rad sparrow/tree tattoo. I wish to cover my body in ink starting yesterday.

I love this coffee shop because EVERY employee has an ironic beard.