Thursday, March 29, 2012

duck the fuggars

Today I ranted about Michelle Duggar on Facebook and, as usual, the comments section did not disappoint. I love posting something and knowing that within a few hours, the usual suspects will comment and entertain me. Anyway, FUCK the Duggars.

I think the reason I dislike them so much is that they slap me directly in the temple with their lifestyle as a living example of the concept that religiosity is a license to be a fucking menace to society. I feel like this couple is waving their ability to reproduce in all of our faces and having a damn good time doing it. They have NINETEEN children. Why am I supposed to think this is a miracle or that it's cute or that it's special? Fuck 'em. Noone will ever convince me that 19 children in the same household will be raised with enough personal attention from their parents to facilitate healthy emotional development. These poor kids live in a constant summer camp in which they are quite literally just a number, and they are responsible for raising any siblings yoiunger than themselves. I can't decide who has it worse--the older kids who are saddled with the role of "camp counselor" over their several younger siblings, or the youngest children who are being reared by their slightly older siblings and probably have no fucking clue who is in charge in the home. I bet if you asked one of the younger ones to point out his mother, he'd point to one of his older sisters and smile while staring blankly with those glazed over "I'm a bit TOO Christian for the general population" eyes.

If I were trying to have a child and found myself incapable for [insert any medical reason], I'd be downright OFFENDED by the attention this family gets for reproducing like lusty labradors. Or, even worse, if I had LOST a child by miscarriage, I'd feel a little insulted by the intense sadness portrayed on the show in the wake of the Duggars' most recent miscarriage. Not that their baby deserved any less of a shot than other babies, and it is undoubtedly sad... but it was their TWENTIETH child. That's like a millionaire losing four hundred bucks in Vegas and expecting everyone to feel sorry for him. These people are selfish and irresponsible to continue trying to reproduce when the mother is well into her forties and her body is CLEARLY tired of producing humans. She needs to be spayed immediately.

Any other family producing this many kids would be considered an absolute nuisance to the rest of the world, but because these fuckers are doing it in the name of religious beliefs, we're supposed to nod politely and tolerate it. Fuck that.

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